Member-only story
The LinkedIn Recruiter’s Siren Song
Go ahead, check out that DM
While eating my brown bag lunch at work I was typing some story ideas into my phone and I got a ping from LinkedIn. Usually LinkedIn notifications are about news stories or informing me that one of my connections got promoted.
This was a DM from a recruiter.
I know for some of you are getting DMs from a recruiter on LinkedIn several times a day which forces you to play whack-a-mole to get rid of all their inquiries.
But for me, I rarely get those moments of acknowledgement.
As looked at the tiny text on my phone, I felt flattered, nervous and curious. I began to ask myself why I felt like someone was asking me on a date.
It’s Nice to Feel Wanted
When you are doing your day-to-day work it can be quite monotonous. Everyone is busy and rarely has time for complements for your work, so when takes a stranger expresses interest it makes you feel all mushy inside.
People like to feel like they are needed, and when a recruiter calls they need you.
Women want to feel wanted. Men want to feel needed. — Ian K. Smith
Maybe we don’t get enough kudos or feel engaged.