Member-only story
On Medium, You Are the Band Nobody Has Ever Heard of… Yet
Keep on playing
Medium is a place where 11 million users call home, but when you write you feel like you are playing to an audience of one in a hole in the wall bar.
You’ve practiced your craft similar to a garage band — writing hokey greeting cards for friends, you’ve dabbled in the occasional short story, the wandering poem, a lengthy listicle or just wrote some stellar product reviews on Amazon. Those couple of online courses from those famous writers is the equivalent of taking monthly lessons on an out-of-tune guitar down at your local record shop. You can play the chords when in class, but can’t get of your own creations to gel.
But you write, and now you’re ready for the big leagues — standing on the stage on Medium.
But you realize once you join Medium for $50 a year you can play as much as you want every day. Heck, there’s even an opportunity to chip in another $150 to help out your fellow musician and yourself. However, you can’t count on that to boost your audience.
Before you go onto that big blogging stage, you check your set list —
Do I have enough material to last through tonight, last the week or possibly a month’s worth of random thoughts?