How I Conquered My Imposter Syndrome and Learned About AI

A little effort can make you an informed expert

Chris Mielke, PMP


Photo by engin akyurt on Unsplash

I know enough about AI to be dangerous.

That’s the truth, I just stumbled down the AI rabbit hole a few months ago.

I don’t have years of knowledge that most people have built up since the launch of ChatGPT in 2022.

When I wrote about AI, I used to feel like an imposter because of my limited knowledge.

AI has infiltrated the workplace. People exaggerate their AI knowledge. They’ve done it because they fear job loss or missed career advancement.

Younger generations absorb AI quickly, making a Gen X’er like me uncomfortable. So, I already felt behind the curve.

Here’s how I dealt with my feeling of AI inadequacy and how you can speak with authority on AI.

Daily drops of intel

Your main goal is to read about AI for at least an hour daily. You can learn from books/eBooks or get knowledge on the web.

With all the media outlets gushing about AI, where do you turn to get the latest information?

I absorbed my AI intake in daily bite-sized chunks and subscribed to several newsletters. There are plenty of…



Chris Mielke, PMP

I write about technology, project management and Gen X retirement - three subjects I am passionate about. More of my writing: