Hack Your Soul-Crushing Work With Powerful AI Tools

Wake me when it’s time for happy hour

Chris Mielke, PMP


Photo by No Revisions on Unsplash

There’s a lot of talk about AI throwing us under the bus, and I would care less if it gave me more time to eat chips and drink beer.

AI is now making its way into the workplace, and people are worried sick.

Well, I already have it doing my job.

And now, the four-hour workweek is almost in my grasp.

Tim Ferriss would be damn proud.

Don’t tell my boss.

Take a dictation please

In every boring meeting you attend, some poor soul needs to take notes or meeting minutes.

Enter my trusty AI assistant. It transcribes the meeting and posts a webpage of the meeting to the team server. The app can also integrate with our CRM (Salesforce) and give our sales team actionable leads. If I need a video or sound clip to remind Bob in accounting that he told me he would take care of something, I can send it to him.

It took half an hour to correlate the notes and send them out to the team. But, after the meeting, it magically happens in minutes.

It also eliminates taking tedious notes from those long-winded brainstorming sessions, illustrating…



Chris Mielke, PMP

I write about technology, project management and Gen X retirement - three subjects I am passionate about. More of my writing: https://substack.com/@chrismielke